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"When will the #BBC conclude that Israel IS violating international law, and shape its coverage around that truth? As the old saying goes, the journalist’s job isn’t to report that it may or may not be raining. It’s to look outside and tell the public if it is."

#Gaza #Palestine #GazaCoverage #PalestineCoverage #media #WesternMedia #MSM #mediaBias @palestine @israel

The Independent · I’m a former BBC newsreader – Gaza is the reason I resignedVon Karishma Patel

The downing of an #Azerbaijanairlines airliner in #kazakhstan is a fascinating example of the depth of the penetration of Russian #Disinformation in western news media; western news outlets are twisting themselves into knots doing everything they can to avoid even suggesting that Russian air defences might be responsible for shooting down the civilian airliner.

The footage shown in the attached post clearly shows damage consistent with projectiles or shrapnel puncturing the skin of the tail section from the outside! Yet the headlines from major western outlets are filled with phrases like “questions mount” or “questions swirl”. 🤯

Why is #WesternMedia so afraid of angering the Kremlin?!


In January, 24, #Israeli historian Lee Mordechai released a 124 page report with 1,400 footnotes detailing evidence of #Israel’s #genocide [1]. The 750 page memorial compiled by #SouthAfrica, the 827 pg report by #ForensicArchitecture [2] & the 300 pg report by #AmnestyInternational [3] all refer to the videos uploaded proudly by Israeli soldiers, that we all have seen & #WesternMedia & govts pretended not to





How Western Media Can Be Prosecuted For Its Role In Gaza Genocide | Craig Mokhiber

Craig Mokhiber is an international human rights lawyer and a former senior UN official. He confirms that the Western corporate media can be prosecuted for their role in justifying, covering up and in some cases, inciting genocide, by spreading Israeli propaganda and lies.
I've attached links to both the article and the video

Screenshot from November 18, 2023, CNN report by Jake Tapper.
Mondoweiss · Western media can be held legally accountable for its role in the Gaza genocideWestern media companies have made themselves a part of the mechanism of genocide in Palestine, and there are historical precedents for holding them accountable.

i have completely diverged from the propagandized western narrative. In it everyone is a potential enemy. Military power is supreme. What Kamala Harris and Donald Trump say matters. It is a full on cult that no one sees an alternative to. Isn't knowing your place in the actual world important. There are too many dead eyes. Eyes that forgot how to see because they haven't looked at the actual world in years. #media #propaganda #westernmedia #msm #election