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“Remove Hamas and the other Resistance groups from the Home Office list of proscribed organisations”

by David Miller in Al Mayadeen English

“David Miller exposes the UK’s use of counterterrorism laws to suppress pro-Palestinian speech and calls for de-proscribing Palestinian and Lebanese resistance groups”


Alors je ne suis pas sûr qu'être l'invité d'un gars visé par un mandat d'arrêt de la CPI pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l"humanité, ça envoie bien le signal que tu crois, Jordan.
En tout cas pas celui qu'il faut pour laver plus blanc ton parti fondé par un Waffen SS et un tortionnaire de guerre


Quand il y a 10 invités et qu'il y a un nazi à table, alors il y a 10 nazis.
- Proverbe allemand d'après-guerre

So let me get this straight.

Former Philippines president Duterte is being imprisoned by the ICC for crimes against humanity but Netanyahu walks free after committing GENOCIDE.

The ICC only prosecutes leaders the US empire doesn't like.

#geopolitics @lebanon
@yemen #SettlerColonialism


#Trump's #Gaza plan does not constitute a war crime because there are no #US troops in Gaza. His plan is subjected to the articles of the #Genocide Convention.

While no legal definition exists for #EthnicCleansing, his plan violates a UN resolution. See tab 4 in:

Residents in the US can challenge Trump's Gaza plan because the United States voted for the UN resolution that we added to tab 4.

pares.glosm.euCeasefire documentationGLOSM/PARES is a documentation project that runs since the Gaza war from 2008-2009. Unlike during the previous wars, the project focuses on a range of topics and issues but related to the current war in Gaza.

🇸🇾 Syria: despite the documented massacres by his death squads, Abu Mohammad al-Julani has been invited by the EU Commission to a donations conference in Brussels. In what absurd world are we seriously living in at the current moment?

#geopolitics @lebanon
@yemen @irannachrichten #germany