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Guardiamo un film in streaming, stasera. Let’s stream a movie tonight. #movies #films in #Italian. #languages. #ItalianLessons:
Vamos a poner una película esta noche. Let’s stream a movie tonight. #movies #films in #Spanish. #languages. #SpanishLessons:
Regardons un film en streaming ce soir. Let’s stream a movie tonight. #movies #films in #French. #languages. #FrenchLessons:
Any early predictions for Mortal Kombat 2? #BoxOffice #Movie #MovieBusiness #Movies #TheBusinessOfMovies
Captain America 4 vs TASM 2. I’m comparing the 2 to see if CA 4 really has a shot at 200M since TASM 2 made 202M. Right now it is running ~7M behind so it looks like it will come close, but won’t make most likely #BoxOffice #Movie #MovieBusiness #Movies #TheBusinessOfMovies
The director of CON AIR (1997) Simon West reflects on casting Nicolas Cage for the lead role.
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