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FORBIDDEN GAMES - René Clément (1953) ★★★★
A poignant masterpiece that sensitively explores war through the eyes of children. Powerful performances by Brigitte Fossey and Georges Poujouly make this drama moving and enduring, capturing the fragility of childhood in the face of horror.


Alien (1979) is 46 years old and it looks so good. It is a beautifully shot horror film with some of the most visceral production design ever put on film.

H.R. Giger's beautiful design of the Xenomorph is as timeless as it is terrifying.

The facehugger and chestburster we horrifying.

Fortgeführter Thread

It would at least make sense, since the two almost worked together on Top Gun: Maverick. Tom is apparently assembling his cast for the upcoming project... and Austin Butler would be great! Let's wait and see what happens next.🫠👍💪
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*NEWS* from London: Possibly the next cast member! It would be awesome!! 🤩 There are no pictures yet, but at least there's a sighting: Tom apparently went to dinner with Austin Butler on Saturday at the London River Cafe.
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[pics from Febr 2023]

Netflix spent $500m on this film yet couldn't afford a decent wig
By Jamie Tram

The brothers behind some of the most successful Avengers movies have taken on the adaptation of a Swedish dystopian graphic novel, spending more than $US300 million in the process.

ABC News · The Electric State, a Netflix adaptation of a graphic novel, is one of the most expensive movies ever madeVon Jamie Tram

So, #Presence (2024)

An interesting, if somewhat simplistic story with cinematography that felt like Paranormal Activity placed purely in the disembodied 1st person instead of through a viewfinder

Overall, I liked it but it really isn't much of anything & not as experimental as I believe it was intended to be

A couple of almost but not quite spoiler takeaways is that a certain character seems to have a Jocasta complex & once again, we can see why the bear wins the popular vote