Dezeen : Grimshaw breaks ground on research building in Maine designed to "revolutionize manufacturing" #Artificialintelligence(AI) #GrimshawArchitects #Biofabrication #Architecture #Biomaterials #Education #Factories #Maine #News #all #USA
Biomaterial design principles to accelerate #bone tissue #engineering
Dewey & Harley, 2022
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“Bone mineral organization at the mesoscale: A review of mineral ellipsoids in bone and at bone interfaces”
Charles Darwin? Not sure if I should be happy or concerned that Charles Darwin has taken interest in my paper. Here is the link anyway:
#MicroscopyMonday – No this is NOT an aerial view of the Grand Canyon.
This is a scanning electron microscopy image of the cranial sutures in the rat skull. These are fibrous joints where the bones of the skull interdigitate, allowing for flexibility and growth during infancy and early childhood before fusing in adulthood.
The complex hierarchical structure of bone, where smaller building blocks form progressively larger structures.
Full description in ALT text.
Multifaceted bone response to immunomodulatory magnesium implants: Osteopromotion at the interface and adipogenesis in the bone marrow
Magnesium implant degradation provides immunomodulatory and proangiogenic effects and attenuates peri-implant fibrosis in soft tissues"
"Evidence that Osteocytes in Autogenous Bone Fragments can Repair Disrupted Canalicular Networks and Connect with Osteocytes in de novo Formed Bone on the Fragment Surface"
"Micrometer-Sized Magnesium Whitlockite Crystals in Micropetrosis of Bisphosphonate-Exposed Human Alveolar Bone"
Not everything is great with the use of antiresorptive drugs for treating #osteoporosis if they cause pathological calcifications
"Bone hierarchical organization through the lens of materials science: Present opportunities and future challenges"
#bone #biology #materialsscience #engineering #microscopy #spectroscopy #biomaterials #osseointegration #collagen #apatite #mineral #medicine #physics #electronmicroscopy
What #technology aspect of #solarpunk are you most excited about? Ran out of room, sorry. There's so much more. #solarpunk #tech #renewableenergy #permaculture #biomaterials #greentech
50 years of scanning electron microscopy of bone—a comprehensive overview of the important discoveries made and insights gained into bone material properties in health, disease, and taphonomy
From micro to macro: a trip from the assembly of #collagen to the formation of bone tissue. This image represents the work of Giulia Giubertoni and colleagues at the University of Amsterdam, revealing the crucial role of water in determining the mechanical properties of collagen. Exciting findings which can significantly improve our understanding of the molecular roots of tissue dysfunction diseases, such as #OsteogenesisImperfecta.
For a deeper look check out:
“Bone without borders – Monetite-based calcium phosphate guides bone formation beyond the skeletal envelope”
#bone #biomaterials #implants #engineering #biology #microscopy #imaging #invivo #science #histology #pathology #Ramanspectroscopy #ElectronMicroscopy
50 years of scanning electron #microscopy of #bone—a comprehensive overview of the important discoveries made and insights gained into bone material properties in #health, #disease, and #taphonomy
Lest we forget, #Biocompatibility is “the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific application” - The Williams Dictionary of #Biomaterials / DF Williams, 1999.