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Unlock Your Mind’s Potential with Good IQ Test!

Have you ever wondered what makes your mind tick? Or perhaps you’ve been curious about how your cognitive abilities stack up? At good iq test, we’re here to help you explore the fascinating world of intelligence in a way that’s engaging, insightful, and, most importantly, fun!

Unlock Your Mind’s Potential with Good IQ Test! - HackMD
HackMDUnlock Your Mind’s Potential with Good IQ Test! - HackMDHave you ever wondered what makes your mind tick? Or perhaps you’ve been curious about how your cognitive abilities stack up?
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@midtsveen Would like to talk more - sooner the better - it's also about 2 way #conversation / # :arrow_followed: :arrow_following: for new power of people as nicer #discussion / real #debta... most is one-way currently or unmoderated and we can do better with just a few...

You be the #change please! And reply in regard to #communication itself and most lacking / most #potential between people ! (I'm totally with that post which is why I reply)

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#ki bietet ein riesen #Potential, das steht völlig außer Frage. Es steht derzeit gesellschaftlich aber gar nicht im Raum, wo Abgrenzungen stattfinden müssen noch welche #Gefahren durch die KI ausgehen können.
Dem missbräuchlichen Einsatz sind nach wie vor alle Türen geöffnet. Wenn #Unwahrheiten von #Trump schon für bare Münze genommen werden, wie steht es dann um KI in Bild und Ton? Das wird noch eine gewaltige #Herausforderung für uns alle werden!

An emerging #PB2-627 #polymorphism increases #pandemic #potential of avian #influenza virus by breaking through ANP32 host restriction in #mammalian & avian hosts, BioRxIV:

by screening the global PB2 seq., we discovered a new independent cluster with PB2-627V emerged in the '10s, which is prevalent in various avian, mammalian, & human isolates of AIVs, including #H9N2, #H7N9, #H3N8, #H5N1, and other subtypes.

bioRxiv · An emerging PB2-627 polymorphism increases the pandemic potential of avian influenza virus by breaking through ANP32 host restriction in mammalian and avian hostsAlterations in the PB2-627 domain could substantially increase the risk of an avian influenza virus (AIV) pandemic. So far, a well-known mammalian mutation PB2-E627K has not been maintained in AIV in poultry, which limits the spread of AIVs from avian to humans. Here, we discovered a variant, PB2-627V, which combines the properties of avian-like PB2-627E and human-like PB2-627K, overcoming host restrictions and posing a risk for human pandemics. Specifically, by screening the global PB2 sequences, we discovered a new independent cluster with PB2-627V emerged in the 2010s, which is prevalent in various avian, mammalian, and human isolates of AIVs, including H9N2, H7N9, H3N8, H5N1, and other subtypes. And, the increasing prevalence of PB2-627V in poultry is accompanied by a rise in human infection cases with this variant. Then we systematically assessed its host adaptation, fitness, and transmissibility across three subtypes of AIVs (H9N2, H7N9, and H3N8) in different host models, including avian and human cells, chickens, mice, and ferrets where infections naturally occur. We found that PB2-627V facilitates AIVs to efficiently replicate and infect chickens and mice by utilizing both avian- and human-origin ANP32A proteins. Importantly, and like PB2-627K, PB2-627V promotes efficient transmission between ferrets through respiratory droplets. Deep sequencing in passaged chicken samples and transmitted ferret samples indicates PB2-627V maintains stable functionality across the two distinct hosts. Therefore, the mutation has the ability to continue spreading among poultry and can also overcome the barrier between birds and humans, greatly enhancing the likelihood of AIVs infecting humans. Given the escalating global spread of AIVs, it is crucial to closely monitor influenza viruses carrying PB2-627V to prevent a pandemic. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.

#Results of #Influenza #Risk #Assessment #Tool (#IRAT), #US #CDC:

Current overall individual & population health risk to general public posed by avian influenza #H5N1 virus presently spreading in cows, poultry, & other mammals remains low. Systematic comparisons of data related to this virus using IRAT to data from other influenza A viruses has scored this virus's future #pandemic #potential as "moderate risk" based on information through June 26, 2024.

What is the #pandemic #potential of avian #influenza A(#H5N1)? Lancet Infect Dis.:

Although sequencing of viruses from patient & cattle in #Texas did not ring alarm bells regarding potential of HPAI A(H5N1) clade for sustained human #transmission, next flu pandemic—whether caused by an avian influenza A(H5N1) virus or otherwise—seems inevitable. Threat of a pandemic remains high, & we urge intl leaders to reach an agreement on a pdm accord before it is 2late.